Things To Consider When Choosing An EMR

Providers ask all the time, what should I look for in an EMR? It is very easy to get wrapped up in a sales pitch. Many times providers make a choice based on one quick demo. Unfortunately, many regret a fast decision and pay for it in reduced productivity and lost revenue.

Here are a few things that may help you make an informed decision. First and foremost, when you see the system for the first time ask yourself is this system intuitive? If you had to move around in this system, would you know what to do next? Would you know what buttons to click? Obviously, everyone using a new system will need training but at first glance the system should guide you.

Second, ask if the system can interface with your billing system. If not, move on. If they do interface, then ask what other billing systems they have interfaced with. This allows you to gauge the span of the system and its use by others.

Third, ask about certain technology. Ask the vendor if they are up to date with technology required by Medicare. If they are lagging, this may be a red flag. Make sure to ask if they have reporting capability for quality programs. If the response is it is in the works, walk away. Healthcare is moving too fast to rely on a lagging system.

Finally, make sure you really understand the pricing structure. Many providers get hooked with a low monthly fee but never think to ask about other items such as a data conversion fee from the old EMR. If there is a licensing fee, ask how it is structured. If it is per user and you have a huge office with lots of personnel, it may not be a good deal.

As always, if you need additional help on your quest for the perfect system, please feel free to contact us.

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